Сборник популярных таджикских песен — 2006

Разные исполнители — Сборник популярных таджикских песен — 2006

Various — Tajik popular songs collection
Сборник популярных таджикских песен

1. Далер Назаров «Намедонам» 3:05
Daler Nazarov “Namedonam’

2. Группа “Шамс” Доробшо “Модарчон” 4:59
“Shams” Dorobsho “Modarjon”

3. Группа “Шамс” Доробшо «Шери маст» 4:27
“Shams” Dorohsho “Sheri mast”

4. Далер Назаров “Рудаки” 6:09
Daler Nazarov “Rudaki”

5. Фируз Налаев “Беморам фирок” 3:15
Firuz Palaev “Bemoram firok”

6. Хушвахт “Сад афсус” 5:00
Khushvakht “Sad afsus”

7. Нисо Худоназарова “Шапарак” 3:30
Niso Khuudonazarova “Shaparak”

8. Олег Фезов “Мадо” 4:49
Oleg Fezov “Mado”


9. Самандар Пулодов “Дилбари рано” 6:12
Samandar Pulodov “Dilbari rano”

10. Олег Фезов “Машав ту паное” 4:49
Oleg Fezov “Mashav tu panoe”

11. Фируз Налаев “Омада дер боз” 4:11
Firuz Palaev “Omada der boz”

12. Хушвахт “Моя любовь разлука” 4:15
Khushvakht “My love is separation”

The Christensen Fund
Mountain Regions Culture Development Programme

«…According to a local legend, when the God was distributing land to the people of Earth, the people of mountainous Central Asia were skipped. To makeup for this lapse, the God ended up giving the Kyrgyz and Tajiks the most fertile and beautiful pieces of land that were originally set aside. The God bestowed this treasure on the people with one condition: That they must take good care of the land.

We work within montane landscapes of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkey to assist communities in reestablishing relationships with the land in order to revitalize biocultural diversity and support a variety of livelihoods, from the Kyrgyz “felt people” to the montane farmers of the lush valleys of Eastern Tajikistan. To complement these landscape-focussed efforts, we also support the development of policies and cultural expressions at the national level in the newly independent states of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, because cultural outcomes on the national level are crucial to the future of these landscapes….» Central Asia and Turkey Programme

This compilation R&C 2006 A’Spenta Rccords, MRCDP,
All rights reserved

Сборник популярных таджикских песен

Далер Назаров
Группа “Шамс”
Фируз Налаев
Нисо Худоназарова
Олег Фезов
Самандар Пулодов